“I’m a bit shy about actually speaking English“
English with Tony in 50354 Hürth-Efferen!
Is this your situation? Did you have English for a number of years at school, got good marks, but haven’t really used it since then? You aren’t alone! You have a good background knowledge, understand signs at airports, the menus on holiday, most of what you see in the occasional email, on the other hand you feel shy and at a disadvantage when you are suddenly expected to speak. There’s no reason to accept this situation! You’d be surprised at how quickly you can gain confidence and actually initiate a conversation once you’ve had a few „brush-up“ lessons. And it’s not necessary to sign an annual or three-monthly contract! Ring 02233 – 9497 290 and find out more. It’ll only cost you the price of a local call, and you need feel under no obligation!
My name’s Tony Gray, and I’d like to help you enjoy using my mother tongue!
Antworte auf weitere Fragen bekommen Sie von mir unverbindlich unter 02233 – 9497 290 oder Mobil / WhatsApp: 0160 – 9447 0453. E-Mail: TonyGrayGermany@gmail.com.
Rondorfer Straße 10, 50354 Hürth-Efferen.
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